
Handbook   The Bureau  

Through the pandemic we have become even more aware of the truly essential workers: nurses, cleaners, educators, cultural workers, and others. The project gathers here a series of gatherings, organised together with partners from all over Europe. These encounters involve artists, activists, writers and social workers to script and visualise the foundations for a European post-pandemic politics of care. Based on the values they represent, and the knowledges they will share, we are hoping to be able to form the script through which we will gather—in words and image—a post-pandemic politics of care into being, and to apply their valuable knowledge on how to enact, perform and implement care, in cultural institutions.

We are honoured to work with: Arts of the Working Class, Feminist Research Group, Framer Framed Amsterdam, Kunsthalle Wien, Latvian Center for Contemporary Art, Melissa Center for Migrant Women, Open School for Migrants in Pireaus, WHW Akademjia, a.o.